The grammar from my advanced class became too frustrating so I put the books aside during the lesson and quietly worked on my homework from my earlier (easier) lesson. Not only do the words of a sentence go in a different order compared to English, the spelling of words change if a word is masculine, feminine or neutral. I recall from my French classes in elementary school that the article before a noun (le, la, les) was reliant on the sex of the noun but I don't recall having to change the spelling of the adjectives too. In either case, I cannot understand how a pen can be masculine, a clock can be feminine while a young girl is neutral. Perhaps if the clock was hot pink or had feathers and beads on it...
I am very anxious to get home to the comforts of my life I am so very lucky to be able to enjoy: a large bed, lots of space in my kitchen/bathroom, my backyard, the chance to blast my favourite music, the chance to sing at the top of my lungs, being able to walk around my house barefoot, not having to worry about getting dressed in the bathroom after having a shower, not having to worry about getting dressed at all (lol)...not having to worry about tidying up straight after cooking; basically, not having to act like a guest in someone else's home.
I miss popcorn, peanut butter (I ran out shortly after making the cookies), I can't wait to try my home-grown tomatoes for the first time this year, I miss my car and the freedom to be able to drive just about anywhere, I kinda sorta miss those horrible, evil kids I teach and perhaps most of all, I miss my diving classes.
The pool where I dive is closed due to the Toronto public workers strike and with no end in sight, it looks like I will have to wait some more :(