As for the high fertility rate, is it the water? Or are the television programs really bad here? I don't know, but guys, keep your tighty-whities, forget the oysters and skip the Semenax. Just move to Dresden. You'll both be pregnant in no time at all.
I bought a (full-sized) bottle of Argentinian red today for under two Euro. It wasn't the cheapest wine but it wasn't the most expensive either. It's a good rule of thumb to choose somewhere in the middle, I was once advised. Ha ha. It's an '07 Syrah-Malbec and you know what? It's not completely terrible.
One of today's in-class exercises was to write a tongue twister in German. This wasn't much of a challenge for me because most of my German sentences are garbled anyway. Heck, even the words in my English sentences are starting to around get too mixed.
Anyway, I came up with "Der Koch hat Kuchen im Kelly's Küche gekocht" - The cook cooked cake in Kelly's kitchen. First prize for me!