When I reached the last bridge, I actually found two parallel bridges. Rather than walk the 250 feet to properly access the bridge, I hiked up the side. When I reached the top, I found train tracks instead of a road full of cars with sidewalks for pedestrians. I should have ascended the other bridge, oops.
To my delight, a hot-air balloon was flying over the cityscape so I started taking pictures. Unfortunately, I didn't like any of them because there were so many ugly-looking tourist boats in the water, ruining the overall setting for me. The balloon quickly passed over my head and in following it, I learned that the sun was starting to set for the night. Seeing how fast the lone balloon was travelling, I knew I had to act quickly if I wanted to capture it in my sunset photos which meant I couldn't waste time wondering where the other 98 were.
The sunset was amazing - such a huge ball of fire. It seemed so close to the earth. Before long, the balloon became blocked by the trees so I thought I could get a better shot if I moved about 50 feet along the tracks. There weren't any trains coming so what harm could that have done?
Snap-snap-snap-hooooooooooooooonk. A train, yikes. I had a bit of a "Stand-By-Me" moment as I dashed the 50 feet back to get the heck outta there. What a rush though.
So I have shown you the perfect sun, now you are wondering why I am the perfect son?
Heute sandte ich meiner Mutter eine Postkarte zu.
PS Can you find the balloon in the photo?